Download Geeni For PC, Windows 10, Mac, Computer, lap

Geeni for PC, Windows 10/8/7 and Mac: It is the most powerful smart home application which helps you to control your Geeni home devices more easily. Now you don’t need to go outside for managing outdoor devices and front yard security. Because the Geeni app will help you to control all home appliances and security cameras from mobile or PC with ease. See also: Kasa Smart app

Now all your Geeni products will be on your fingertips. Whatever you want to turn on or off, just open the Geeni app and do whatever you want from anywhere. Geeni app is only designed for android and iOS devices. And if PC and mac users want to meet this app then they have to follow the article where we will explain how to command Geeni’s on PC and Mac Laptop for free.


Geeni for PC Features

Geeni comes with great amazing features and uses which will provide you great user experience. Before explaining Geeni features, first, let us tell you what Geeni devices you can use at your home or other personal places. Geeni offers light, sensor, cameras, powers & switches, and many other lifestyles and health products. Now come to the features of Geeni such as:

  • This app provides you a powerful control on all devices and manages them more easily with the Geeni app.
  • You also able to choose the mood of Geeni color bulbs like you can select dim a white bulb, also can track plug energy usage and many more with ease.
  • Controle all home device by room.geeni app for pc
  • 24/7 home protection and surveillance.
  • Provide motion light and siren.
  • Control Prisma LED strip.
  • Work with weather resistance.
  • Provide your full-body report.
  • If you are away from home, you can set a schedule with your device, like you can set the timing of on and off.
  • Also able to share your Geeni accounts with guests, roommates, or family members and manage devices.
  • Support cloud-based services as well.
  • Work with all internet connection and support only Geeni devices.

How Download Geeni on Windows 10/Mac And Computer:

Geeni app is available on Google Play Store for Android devices, users can install the app on smartphones easily. But there is no official version available to download Geeni App on PC, Windows. We will explain here how you can install Geeni or any other app on the Windows operating system.

geeni for pc

Download Geeni App for PC Using Bluestacks

Bluestacks is no 1 Android emulator, it helps the Android app and supports the Windows operating system. So you can use any android app on Windows without any android device. Follow the instructions below:

Step No 1: Download Bluestacks

First of all, you need to download Bluestacks Android Emulator for Windows. It’s a free player you can download from the official website and we have explained briefly in our guide how you can download Bluestaks on PC step-by-step.

Step No 2: Install Emulator

Once download complete, go to you system download folder, locate Bluestacks.exe file, and double click on it to run the setup. After that Bluestacks step will start downloading necessary files. You just need a reliable internet connection as the files are heavy.

Step No 3: Login Bluestacks

Now Bluestacks Android emulator is ready to use, before going further, login app player with your Google ID. It will sync your data with Bluestacks, which means all your installed apps will be shown in Bluestacks.

Step No 4: Install Geeni from PlayStore

Open Bluestacks and write “Geeni” in search bar. Geeni smart app will open with Google Play Store. You can easily download it by clicking on the install button in Google Play Store. It will take some time to get complete installation.

Step No 5: Locate the app

Geeni App for PC, Computer is ready to use, you just need to go back and search app on system. Probably it will be on desktop.

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