DroidVPN for PC is finally available in the market. But what DroidVPN offered to desktop users? Its PC version offered best VPN services for their users. Now all desktop users can easily secure internet connection with DroidVPN. This VPN encrypts all your network traffic and let you use the internet without fear. Even you can browse the websites anonymously and hide your identity from everyone like government or ISP cannot locate your location or can’t see what you are visiting. And website owners also cannot check your country status. So you can easily browse anywhere in the world with a hidden IP address.
And if you are facing some restriction on your internet speed or your network speed is very low. Then DroidVPN will help you to improve your connection speed and let you enjoy the fastest connection speed as well. It’s a simple designed and easy to use VPN. You just download DroidVPN on desktop and with a single tap start using it. And a very useful feature of this app is you can block all annoying ads from the web. And enjoy surfing without restriction.
DroidVPN is offered both free and paid version. If you are very conscious about your security and want to surf the internet with full freedom then we suggest you go with a premium version. Otherwise, its free version also offered great features and security for its users. But the problem is that free accounts have limited bandwidth. Now its all depends on you what you like to choose.
As we explained all the basic features of DroidVPN above, now come to the main point of the installation method. How DroidVPN can download on PC and Mac Laptop? So it is very easy to download Droid VPN on the desktop. All you need is a good android emulator and you are ready to use. Follow the easiest method from the below section and enjoy your favorite Droid VPN on PC/Laptop.
How to download DroidVPN on PC, Windows 10/8/7 and Mac?
Download DroidVPN with simple and easy steps from below. And unblock all restricted websites and save your desktop data from all hackers with DroidVPN.
- First Step: First download Bluestacks android emulator on PC and Mac Laptop from Here.
- Second Step: Once Bluestacks file download on your desktop, then open .exe file and run the setup. when its complete click on agree terms and conditions.
- Third Step: Once Bluestacks completely installed its main menu will appear on your desktop screen, Just click on Play Store and log in with Gmail account. And you are ready to download any android app on a desktop.
- Fourth Step: Now open Play Store from the main screen of Bluestacks, and write “DroidVPN” in the search bar. Select any related app and hit on install button.
- Fifth Step: Once DroidVPn installation complete, locate it from Bluestacks main menu, or open it from the desktop server.
How to download droid VPN APK file on PC Windows10/8/7/XP/Vista:
Alternatively, download droid vpn apk file from Here. Follow steps from below and enjoy droidvpn with apk file on the desktop.
- Download DroidVPN apk file from Here.
- Once apk file completely installed, open Bluestacks main menu and click on the gear button.
- There you will see an option to upload apk file. Click on the upload apk file and browse the folder where you save the DroidVPN apk file.
- Just upload that file on Bluestacks, it will take some time for installation.
- Once the installation is complete go back to the main menu of Bluestacks and locate the app.
Droid VPN Free Internet:
You also can enjoy free internet with droid vpn free internet account. But it’s not work in all region, so if you want to try droidvpn free internet account then take a trial on zero balance.
Check the best 3 alternatives to DroidVPN: